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HomeQuestion BankB.Pharm 3rd SemesterPharmaceutical Microbiology Important Questions all Units 3rd Sem B Pharm

Pharmaceutical Microbiology Important Questions all Units 3rd Sem B Pharm

Pharmaceutical Microbiology Important questions all unit 3rd sem B pharmacy

This Pharmaceutical microbiology Question bank was released by Rajiv Gandhi University of health and science Bangalore, this question bank is arranged according to the syllabus, and unit-wise. It contains all the possible important questions of important topics.


UNIT 1 Pharmaceutical microbiology Question bank
10 Marks
  1. Classify bacteria on the basis of nutritional requirements and add a note on raw materials used for Preparation of culture media.
  2. Define and classify culture media. Mention salient features of each media along with an example.
  3. Draw an ultra structure of typical bacteria. Write composition and functions of its organelles.
  4. Classify bacteria on the basis of morphological features. Add a note on composition and functions of the Cell wall.
  5. Differentiate between gram positive and Gram negative cell wall. Add a note on principle and Procedure of Gram’s staining technique.
  6. Describe a bacterial growth curve. Add a note on physical factors affecting growth of bacteria.
  7. Mention methods used for identification of bacteria. Explain any four biochemical tests used for Identification of bacteria.
  8. What is pure culture? Enlist methods for isolation of pure culture? Describe any two industrial techniques of preserving bacteria.
  9. Write about the importance of microbial preservation techniques. Write procedure, merit and demerit of any Four preservation techniques.
  10. What is pure culture? Write in detail about the isolation of pure culture.

5 marks

  1. Write a note on raw materials used for preparation of culture media.
  2. Define and classify culture media with examples.
  3. Classify bacteria on the basis of morphological features.
  4. Differentiate between gram positive and Gram negative cell wall.
  5. Write principle and procedure of Gram’s staining technique.
  6. Write principle and procedure of Acid-fast staining.
  7. Describe bacterial growth curve.
  8. Explain IMVIC tests used for identification of bacteria.
  9. Explain MR-VP tests used for identification of bacteria.
  10. Write a note on cultivation of anaerobic bacteria.
  11. Write about methods for maintenance of pure culture.
  12. Write about importance of microbial preservation technique.
  13. Differentiate between prokaryotes and Eukaryotes
  14. Outline working of TEM and SEM
  15. Give the principle and main characteristic of phase contrast microscopy
  16. Explain the principle of Electron microscope.

2 marks

  1. Differentiate between flagella and fimbrae.
  2. Differentiate between enrichment and selective media.
  3. Differentiate between log phase and decline phase.
  4. Differentiate between acid fast and non acid fast bacteria.
  5. Differentiate between bacteria and virus.
  6. Differentiate between fungi and bacteria.
  7. Mention reagents used for acid fast staining.
  8. Mention role of each chemical used in gram’s staining.
  9. What is basal media? Give example.
  10. What is enriched media? Give example.
  11. What is differential media? Give example.
  12. What is the role of agar in culture media.
  13. What is selective media? Give example.
  14. What is pour plate method, write its uses.
  15. Mention arrangement based classification of cocci.
  16. What is lag phase of growth.
  17. What is log phase of growth.
  18. What is stationary phase of growth.
  19. What is decline phase of growth.
  20. List out the different phases of growth of bacteria
  21. Write contributions of Antony Van Leeuwenhoek.
  22. Write contributions of Edward Jenner.
  23. Write contributions of Robert Koch.
  24. Write contributions of Louis Pasteur.
  25. Write contributions of Alexander Fleming.
  26. Write four pharmaceutical uses of microorganisms.


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